Plankton Portal Talk

TOP Plankton images of 2014

  • yshish by yshish moderator, translator

    Hi everybody!

    I've got an idea to look for the top plankton images which have appeared on the Talk during the previous year and share them with you all.
    There were quite a lot of amazing creatures and it wasn't easy to pick up just a few of them. I created a photomontage of the best ones so you can see them all in one single picture. Here they are.

    (Click on the image for the full resolution without the numbers.)


    Image caption*

    [1] - 'Twocups' Siphonophore (Prayidae family)

    [2] - Polychaete Worm (Tomopteris sp.)

    [3] - Medusa 'More than 4 tentacles'

    [4] - Protist

    [5] - Isopod (Munnopsis sp.)

    [6] - 'Thallaso' Ctenophore (Thalassocalyce Inconstans)

    [7] - Amphipod

    [8] - Cestida Ctenophore

    [9] - Larval Fish (Eel?)

    [10] - Polychaete Worm (Tomopteris sp.)

    [11] - Medusa 'More than 4 tentacles' (Leuckartiara sp.)

    [12] - Polychaete Worm (Nereididae family?)

    [13] - Copepod

    [14] - Lobate Ctenophore (Ocyropsis Maculata)

    [15] - Most probably a Nudibranch Gastropod

    [16] - Cydippid Ctenophore (Charistephane Fugiens)

    [17] - Protist

    [18] - Salp

    [19] - 'Arrow worm' Chaetognath

    [20] - Unknown organism (Any ideas?)

    [21] - Protist

    [22] - Fish

    [23] - Larvacean with its house (Oikopleuridae f.)

    [24] - Larvacean (Oikopleuridae f.?)

    [25] - Cydippid Ctenophore (Haeckelia Beehleri)

    [26] - Polychaete Worm (Nereididae family? Neanthes genera?)

    [27] - Copepod

    [28] - 'Rocket-ship Triangle' Siphonophore (Diphyidae? family)

    [29] - 'Sea Angel' Pteropod

    [30] - Fish (Eel?)

    [31] - 'Sea Butterfly' Pteropod (Desmopterus sp.?)

    *Hopefully I haven't made any mistakes in the identification, if so, please, let me know):

    If you miss some amazing finds in this list, don't hesitate and show us those pictures.

    All the best in 2015! Looking forward to see you on the board:)

    Zuzi / Yshish


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Oh, wow, that montage is FANTASTIC. Could we use it for #dailyzoo ? Please? 😃


  • yshish by yshish moderator, translator in response to DZM's comment.

    Yes, of course you can:) It could attract new users.


  • AvastMH by AvastMH

    Oh my - that's a great montage! It should have people queuing up to play with PP ! 😃


  • yshish by yshish moderator, translator in response to AvastMH's comment.

    Thank you:) (Yeah, tell me about it!)


  • yshish by yshish moderator, translator

    Hey guys!

    Don't forget to join the Zooniverse Image Competition! They're looking for the most interesting, beautiful and unusual images from across the Zooniverse Click here!
