Plankton Portal Talk


  • 136771 by 136771

    I can't figure out what the thing in the top right corner is... Can I have some help?


  • yshish by yshish moderator, translator in response to 136771's comment.

    Hi @136771

    Of course you can 😃 I'm ready to help you to identify anything here!

    The object in the top right corner is a #Doliolid #withtail (you can clearly see small buds growing from the stem), as well as the object in the bottom left corner. You can find them under the "Head with tail" category on the far right in the classification menu.

    And I think there is a super tiny #Medusa #morethan4tentacles at the right image margin which can be hardly recognized.

    Hope this helps 😃 Feel free to ask if you had any troubles. Don't forget, you can always check our Field Guide with more image examples!


